Springtime, Coffee & Rainbows

Monday, April 3, 2017

Spring is finally here. The days are longer and warmer. 
We are loving the outside world. 

The trees. The sunshine. The birds. The bugs. Even the bees and wasps buzz around with the promise of summer. 

Our front porch is starting to bloom where over the winter it was just dormant and lifeless. I could go on and on and on about how we love these days. This lemon-thyme plant has come back for several years now. I wish you could smell it through the screen!
We've been spending a lot of time on the front porch and in the yard this week. It's like we cannot get enough of it. But please, remind me of this feeling in the middle of July when we're blasting the a/c because we're melting!
Tootsie Roll loves getting to splish and splash this year. She is so excited to just discover every single thing. And Pirate? She discovered something cool. She was playing with the water hose, running one of her obstacle courses and cooling off when we looked up and saw a rainbow!

There are few things Pirate loves more than a rainbow. Even when she was itty bitty, rainbows have been her thing. And what perfect timing! Do you know what today is? It's National Find a Rainbow Day!  While many people have many thoughts about rainbows, in our house we are thankful that it serves as a reminder of God's love and goodness. 

As for me: sitting on the porch, soaking up the vitamin D, feeling the heat of the sun on my face, drinking my coffee, having my coffee stolen by a six year old, and just watching the girls play has been the highlight of my week. 

And that's what we've been into this week. I know this isn't our typical post, but we've been a bit distracted by all things spring. 

Leave us a comment, how are you enjoying your weather? Has spring sprung? Did you find a rainbow today? 

As always, find us on FB and Instagram! Come back for more!

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